Lab Equipment List

BK Precision 2831E Multimeter
BK Precision 4017A Function Generator
BK Precision 2522C Oscilloscope
Agilent 16801A Logic Analyzer
Agilent 33210A Function Generator
Top Max II (Universal Programmer)
Agilent DSO3000 Ocilloscopes
Rigol DS2000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes
Accurate 406 PCB Router (with PhCNC Software)
Fanuc Robots
Yaskawa Robots
Rockwell PLC's
QuadTech 1659 RCL Digibridge
Fluke 2620 Hydra II Data Sheet
Fluke 2620 Hydra II Data Acquisition Unit
Fluke 2620 Hydra II Data Acquisition Unit (2nd manual)

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Prof Kohn's Equipment List

Last updated: 10/29/2024

Below is a list of equipment (with links to data sheets where available) for equipment that can be borrowed by TECH students for the purpose of Senior Projects on a first come, first serve basis.

I know that there are a number of GREAT Senior Projects that these parts can be used for, but please do NOT ask me to provide you with a project idea. Come up with your own idea and I will be glad to lend you equipment to help implement YOUR idea.

Since this equipment is either owned by me or the Engineering Technology Department you will be expected to return it in working order. If it is not in working order upon return you will be asked to replace the broken item(s).

To borrow equipment, fill out THIS FORM

ET227 (when not in use by classes)

11 - Arduino Uno Rev 3
10 - Arduino Ethernet Shield 2 (WIZ5500 IC)
11 -
Real Time Clock (BOB 12708)
12 - 16x2 SerLCD
10 - ADXL345 Tripple Axis Accelerometer
12 - Transceiver (nRF24L01+)
9 - Wifi Module (ESP8266)
      • 5 - Maker Focus Breakout board
      • 13 -
DYI Breakout Board
18 -
Bi-Directional Logic Level Converter
?? - Grove Starter Kit
8 - Piece 0.96 Inch OLED Module 12864 128x64 Yellow Blue SSD1306 Driver I2C Self-Luminous Display Board (similar to THIS) (Better Info Here) (Possible Code Example)
8 - TTL <-> RS-232 level converters
      • 5 - Null Modems
?? - MCR-12 Magnetic Card (Credit Card) Reader
9 - 3.5mm Stereo Female Terminal Block Panel Mount Connector 2 Pack LINK for above
4 - PS/2 Breakout Boards (old keyboard connector) (Link)
8 - 5V 4-Phase Stepper Step Motor + Driver Board ULN2003 with Drive Test Module (Link)
15+ - SR04 HC-SR04P Distance Measuring Sonar Sensor Module (Link)
8 - HiLetgo MAX7219 8-Digital Segment Digital LED Display Tube for Arduino 51/AVR/STM32 (LINK)

ET227 - Antiquated Stuff

?? - Intel Galileo Board
?? - 68HC11
5 - Very Basic Robot Platforms (Link)


MAX7219 Dot Led Matrix Module Display 8x8 Common Cathode Red Light for Arduino Raspberry Pi Microcontroller (LINK)
Adafruit CCS881 Air Quality Sensor (Link)
2 1 - Adafruit FT232H Breakout - General Purpose USB to GPIO, SPI, I2C (Website, FT232HQ Page)
EspoTek Labrador: Easy-to-Use, Open-Source, All-in-One USB O-scope, Signal Generator, Power Supply, Logic Analyzer, Multimeter (Win, Mac, Linux, Android, Pi) (Downloads) (Wiki / Instructions)
Tiny Spectrum Analyzer (Info)
Romi Robot Kit (for FIRST) with Raspberry Pi 3 B+ (Website) with 32U4 Control Board (Website)
Automation Direct Field Point Modules (link has all the modules I own listed)
Dual Relay Modual (Compatable with Arduino / PI)
DIYmalls 4pcs Load Cell 50kg Half Bridge Strain Gauge Human Body Digital Scale Weight Sensor + 1pc HX711 Amplifier AD Module for Arduino Raspberry Pi (Link)
1 0 - Optical Dust Sensor - GP2Y1010AU0F Sparkfun Link, Instructable
Raspberry Pi 2B Case
Raspberry Pi 3B+ Case
Pi 40 pin Breakout T
1 Raspberry Pi 3b+ in case
PiFace Digital 2
4 3 - Wio Node Info Website Wiki other
2 - Boarduino
Parallax SHT177 Humidity Sensor (Datasheet)
2 - JANSANE SCT-013-000 100A Non-invasive AC Current Sensor Split-Core Clamp Current Transformer (LINK)
 • HiLetgo ADS1115 16 Bit 16 Byte 4 Channel I2C IIC Analog-to-Digital ADC (LINK) for above
 • 2 - 3.5mm Stereo Female Terminal Block Panel Mount Connector 2 Pack LINK for above
 • Current Transformer Helper - Burden resistor calculator (LINK)
3 2 - HiLetgo ESP8266 NodeMCU CP2102 ESP-12E Internet WiFi Development Board Open Source Serial Wireless Module Website
3 - Wifi Module (ESP8266)
Seed Studio Relay Shield v2.1
5V 2A High Efficiency Dc/DC Converter (8V-32V input) (Data Sheet)
2000mAh Emergency Power Bank

HOME - Antiquated Stuff

Pocket C.H.I.P.
PiFace Digital I/O Expander (for Pi A and B boards - Very old)
PiFace Rack
Pi 26 pin Breakout T
2 x HP 200LX Palmtop Computer
TRS-80 Model 100 (1st "laptop" computer w/ detachable disk drive)
Industrial computer case (w/ Power supply and Passive EISA Backplane)
 • 386 Single Board Computer (Works with above case)
 • VGA Graphics Card
 • EN2000PnP Ethernet Card
 • Workstation ID Card (16bit Dip Input Card)
 • 1.2 Gbyte Hard drive (probably DOS)
EISA Passive Backplane with power supply
HP 4350 PDA with Wi-Fi


Experimental Robotics Platform (XRP) (Sparkfun Page XRP Project Page)
30 Amp Current Sensor AC&DC
Arduino Motor Shield Rev3 (Link)
REV Robotics - Color Sensor V3 (REV-31-1557)
 • Pan/Tilt for above
2 - DROK LTC1871 3.5V-30V DC Boost Converter Power Transformer Voltage Regulator 5V 12V Step up Volt Module Power Supply Board for Car Auto Motor Motocycle Automotive etc (Data)
2 1 - SEN-13322 Soil Moisture Senosr (Website)
Water Level Sensor (DGZZI 3.3v for Raspberry Pi)
SparkFun 9DoF IMU Breakout - LSM9DS1
10 - HiLetgo Micro Limit Switch KW12-3 AC 250V 5A SPDT 1NO 1NC Micro Switch Normally Open Close Limit Switch with Roller Lever Arm Black (Link)
MB102 Breadboard Power Supply Module 3.3V/5V for Solderless Breadboard (Link)
Various 0.1 header pins and Stackable Headers (consumable parts)
2 - Micro USB FTDI Basic Breakout Module for Arduino 3.3V/5V (Link)
2 - REYAX RYLR896 Lora Module SX1276 UART 868MHz 915MHz Antenna at Command FCC NCC (LINK)
21 - BNO055 9-axis Absolute Orientation (IMU)
MakerFocus Hear-Rate Sensor, MAX30102 Blood Oxygen sensor (Website)
5 - TCA9548A I2C Multiplexer (Website) (Datasheet)
Fingerprint Scanner (SEEMS to be similar to the flashtree FPM10A Optical Fingerprint Reader Module TTL Serial - Link STATUS UNKNOWN)
HiLetgo MAX7219 Dot Matrix Module for Arduino Microcontroller 4 in 1 Display with 5pin Line (Link)
Degraw 5kg Load Cell and HX711 Combo Pack Kit Website
 • HX711 Info Website
GPS GT-U7 Module Receiver,Navigation Satellite Positioning NEO-6M with Antenna High Sensitivity (Similar to THIS) - Also see This Video
GY-GPS6MV2 GPS Module | u-blox NEO-6M Chip | also for Flight Control Modules | with Antenna (or similar) (Website)
 • GPS Basics (Sparkfun)
3 7 - ESP8266 NodeMCU LUA CH340 ESP-12E WiFi Internet Development Board 4M Flash Serial Wireless Module for Arduino IDE/Micropython New Version (Order Link, Tuorials, Instructor Notes)
5 4 - Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor (similar to THIS)
Raspberry Pi B+ V1.2 in black plastic case
Raspberry Pi 3B V1.2
Raspberry Pi B V1 in 3d printed case (Full SD Card)
Raspberry Pi LCD 7" Touchscreen with Raspberry Pi 4
4000mAh Emergency Power Bank
2 - Seed Studio Relay Shield v2.1
2 - Pmod IOXP (Link)
Pmod Wifi (Link)
Pmod DA2 (Link)
Pmod ACL (Link)
Pmod TMP2 (Link)
Pmod LS1 (Link)
Pmod MIC (similar to This
NRF25L01 Transciever Module (Similar to: THIS)
Tank Tred w/motors from a "Radio Shack Radio Controlled Sentinel Tank"
3 - MagTEK 98831083 Magnetic Card (Credit Card) Reader
USB I/O 24 digital input output module
Wii Motion Plus Controller (bluetooth hackable)
Wii Balance Board (bluetooth hackable)
Arduino Uno Screw Shield (Similar to THIS)
Arduino Uno Proto Shield (Similar to THIS)
LoL Shield (LED Charlieplexed LED Matrix Display)
Arduino Nano 3.0
Renesas RL78/G13 Promotion Board
12 - Wired Surface Mounted Alarm Magnetic Contacts Door Window Reed Switch Sensor (Similar to this)
10 3 - HC-SR501 PIR Module Pyroelectric Infrared Motion Sensor Module Detector for Security Use (Info)
3 2 - Plastic Liquid Level Float Switch (Similar to THIS)
?? - Parallax 900-00008 Servo Motors (Info)
18 - QRB1134 Reflective IR Sensor (Info)
6 - GP2D12 IR Distance Sensor (Datasheet
8 - GP2Y0A02YK0F Distance Sensors 20-150cm (Info)
12 - Model 19 Current Transformer 230 turn secondary (CR Magnetics Inc)
Make:it Robotics Remote Control (Arduino Library)
Make:it Robotics Sensor Kit (Arduino Library)
Motor Pack for Arduino (Similar to this)
WiFly Shield
29 - photo reflective sensor (Similar to this)
20 - Hall Effect Sensor (SS41 Data sheet)
4 - Solder Prototyping Board 32x21 0.1 inch holes
HiTech 180 Deg HS-322HD Servo Motor
25 - DFRobot 0.4&quo; Ball Caster (Similar to this)
2 - Flex Coupling (small, but no specs)
5 - SeedStudio Electronic Brick 3 wire connectors
12 - specialty 4 wire connectors (but I can't remember what they are for
2 - 9V battery connectors
?? - Prof Hewitt"s Arduino Uno robot kits (Assembly Instructions)
2 - ADS1115 16bit I2C ADC
2 - Dual DC Motor Drive Module 7A 160W Positive/Negative PWM Speed L298 Logic (Info)
Roboclaw Motor Controller Website
? - Solarbotics L298 Compact Motor Driver (Info)
10 - HiLetgo 4v 650nm 5mW Red Dot Laser (Info)
USB IO Plus DAC Device (IO / ADC / PWM / Counter / UART) Not sure if this unit is function

Office - Atiquated Stuff

PicStart Plus PIC Programmer (I also have some PIC microcontrollers and other PIC Resources available) (A href="">Docs)
Rovio Mobile Webcam Robot (Battery Dead? but can be controlled via wifi)
Hasbro Star Wars R2D2 (had app, but no longer available)
Sphereo BB-8 can still be programmed with Sphero Edu app (API-Docs)
Raspberry Pi Rev 1
2x Vex 6-channel R/C controller with receiver (Doc: 1 2)
Earthmate GPS LT-20 (USB GPS Device) (Instructable)
Industrial computer case (w/ Power supply and Passive EISA Backplane)
 • 486 Single Board Computer (Works with above case)
   • A/D Expansion Card (Link)
 • VGA video card
 • Linksys Ether16 Lan Card
 • 8.4GB HDD (OS unknown)
 • 3.5" Floppy Drive
EISA Passive Backplane without power supply
386 Single Board Computer
EISA Protoboard (a protoboard that plugs into a computer EISA SLOT)
 • VGA video card
 • 3COM EtherLink III
 • PromDisk III ISA Card (Allows computers to boot of rom instead of a disk drive)
 • OptiSTEM Plus-PC (Digital IO card)
3 - Gyro (ADW22307)/ Accelerometer (ADXL345) Board
1 - Gyro (ADW22307) Board
Industrial Panel PC w/power supply (Win XP Embedded) (Similar to 12.1" Pannel PC)
DI-194 4-Channel 10 bit Serial Port A/D Converter
IOIO for Android Not sure if this unit is function and android app seems to be discontinued
CMPS03 Compass Module Website
DIYDrones ArduIMU+ V3 Website (need to test)

Web Controlled Robot

[Currently in Use (but can be used for senior projects)]
OLPC Laptop computer
Dale Robot Base (MRB)
uChameleon USB I/O Device (Binary I/O, A2D, D2A, PWM, SPI, UART Serial)
L298 Compact Motor Driver (H-Bridge)

Computer Media Converters

3 - USB 2.0 All in One Memory Card Reader Adapter Support SD, MMC, Micro SD, M2, MS PRO Duo Memory Stick
USB 3.0 (5Gps) High Speed TF/SD/MS/M2/XD/CF Memory Card Solt Combo Adapter, 6 in 1 Card Reader,Compatible with Windows, Mac OS, Linux (Link)
1.44 MB 3.5" 1.44MB USB 1.0 2.0 External Floppy Disk Drive
LG 16x External Super Multi DVD/CD Rewriter (USB 2.0)

Senior Projects Fall/Spring 2024

Mobile Robot Project

Project Description
Lynxmotion Tri-Track Mobile Robot Base with Encoders
Raspberry Pi (Ver ??)
8 - Piece 0.96 Inch OLED Module 12864 128x64 Yellow Blue SSD1306 Driver I2C Self-Luminous Display Board (similar to THIS) (Better Info Here) (Possible Code Example)
Arduino Mega
21 - BNO055 9-axis Absolute Orientation (IMU)
2 - LIDAR-Lite Website
2 - XY-160D Motor Driver Info)
Power System (TBD)
2 - DROK DC-DC Buck Converter Regulators 4-38V to 1.25-36V 5V/12V Poser Supply Module 5A, LED Voltmeter Display (Data)
Audio Amp (TBD)
Speaker (TBD)
2x Mini Protoboards (TBD)
3x Power Bus Protoboards (TBD) - one for 3.3v and ground, one for 5v and ground and one for I2C bus
Pixy Camera (Original) (Link)
15+ - SR04 HC-SR04P Distance Measuring Sonar Sensor Module (Link) mount 2
4 - Tenergy 2 Pack 12V 2000mAh Battery Packs (Link) and chargers

J.W. Min requirements for Senior Project:
make robot move under software control
avoid obsitals using SR04 Sensor(s)
Use BNO055 sensor to make turns based on orientation angle feedback (ie turn 90 degrees and use the sensor to determin turn)


Project Description
[This is a continuation of the project found HERE]
ArmDroid 1000 Robot Does NOT include control box but accepts TTL control inputs
 • Raspberry Pi b v1(with 16GB SD Card)
 • Power supply (note: This is underrated and can only run one motor at a time)

Blue Tooth Remote Control Toy Car

Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect

Yet to be Located / Verified

Emachine Celeron 566 Computer
10 - Longruner Geared Stepper Motor 28byj 48 Uln2003 5v Stepper Motor Uln2003 Driver Board
I2C Uninterruptible Power Supply Website
Sparkfun Environmental Combo Breakout (CCS811/BME280) Website
HTU21D-F Temperature & Humidity Sensor board Website
Motorola Droid (No Cell Service)
Arduino Duemilanove
Proto / Screw Terminal Shield
Arduino Ethernet shield with micro SD connector
3 x TI MSP430 14-pin Microcontroller (Development kit - eZ430-F2013) with Code Composer IDE [PIC]
PSoC 3 FirstTouch Start Kit (Microcontroller with programming software).
Pacific Scientific 6410 Stepper Motor Driver x2
MC68SO8LL16 Ultra Low Power LCD Microcontroller Demo Board (Programmable in C or ASM)
MC5221Demo Board - 32 bit microcontroller
PCL-730 EISA Digital I/O Card
I/O 24 digital input output module (EISA slot)
Computer ID Card (16bit input card) (EISA slot)
CMM-11E1 68HC11 evaluation board (compact board)
MiniDRAGON+ 68HC12 board
Lego Mindstorm NXT
Tazer 15T Forward/Reverse PWM Motor Controller (Horizonhobby)
Hitachi Super-H Microcontroller board
Toy Tank Treads (Great for a mobile robot base)
10T Ethernet Cards (EISA)
10T Hubs
Router (Wired)
10/100 Switch
AT PC Power Supplies
CueCat Barcode Reader PS2 Interface
Parallel Port Breakout Board
Basic Stamp II Basic Microcontroller
Basic Stamp IIsx Basic Microcontroller
GAL 22V10 programmable Logic
DC Motors
Stepper Motors
Modems (Various types)
Panasonic Monitor B/W 5"
Infrared Sensor B/W Camera (12v DC) (Works with monitor above)
Old Joystick (two sticks, 4 POT analog)
CME-11E9-EVBU 68HC11 evaluation board
Panasonic Bar Code reader TTL Level RS-232 interface
Feedback Systems CNC932 Manual 1 Manual 2 Manual 3 Other
DSP Starter Kit with software
Arduino Mega
Arduino Ethernet shield with micro SD connector
Relay Board (came with the USB IO Pluse but can be used with microcontrollers, TTL circuits, etc.)
Arduino Mega
Devantech Digital Compass
L298 Compact Motor Driver (H-Bridge)